Tenderness is exquisite
Potent and gentle
Soft and unyielding
She doesn’t judge
Battered and bruised
She doesn’t fix
But quietly enables
Surrendering your guard
Smiling with innocence
Of shared humanity
This deep resonance
Speaking in tongues
From the ONE
Un-broken heart
She softly enters
Plays no roles
Or power games
Requests no glory
And demands nothing
Sitting in pure
Unbounded still presence
Without separating judgement
Or painful projections
Creating deep connection
And total safety
Melting all barriers
Embalming your wounds
She holds YOU
Completely and utterly
In Mother’s embrace
Don’t underestimate ‘HER’
Speaking with compassion
This unassuming angel
Humbly comes unexpected
With no whistles
No fancy qualifications
Just life experience
Surrendered on knees
From brutal grace
Like grapes trampled
Making refined wine
And cocoon goo
Emerging and transformed
Into butterfly wings
Perhaps tenderness is
A radiant spark
Of the ONE
Precious and nourishing
Opening the heart
Kindling dampened flames
Beaming renewed hope
Igniting new potential
This alchemic breath
Expansive and restorative
Returning you back
To YOUR heart
This inner reunion
Subtly and surprisingly
Bringing YOU – ‘Home’